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Advanced shading and lighting algorithms designed to give you new options for your LightWave surfaces. Use alone or with FPrime.

G2 Lighting and Shading System

G2 is a lighting and shading system for LightWave Layout.

G2's subsurface scattering renderer creates new translucent materials that were previously impossible.

G2's skin shading model makes truly realistic human appearances.

G2's shading options add new power to every part of your object's surface.

G2's image processing solves gamut and compositing problems right inside LightWave.

G2's powerful preview system gives instant, accurate, and continuous updates of your lighting and surfacing changes.

G2 simply can't be described fully with just one page of a website. The links to the left will lead you to many more G2 details.
G2 Changes Everything!
Interactive Preview Featues
Render Components

* Diffuse
* Specular
* Ambient
* Luminous
* Shadows
* Image processing
* Subsurface scattering
* Reflections
* Transparency
* Global Illumination
* LWEffects

Raw Channels

* RGB Surface
* Diffuse
* Specular
* Luminous
* Global Illumination
* Translucency
* Reflection
* Reflection RGB
* Transparency
* Transparency RGB

Light Contributions

* From individual lights
* From user defined groups

Multiple Views

* View multiple frames
* View from multiple cameras

Multiple Capture Modes

* Manual
* Scrub
* Last F9

Multiple Windows

* Render accurate
* Pannable
* Zoomable
* Resizable
* Zoom presets
* Reset tool
* Collapsible header
* Reflection RGB
* Refresh tool
* Clone tool

Adjustable Refresh Quality

* Normal
* Coarse
* Xcoarse
* XXfine
* Xfine
* Fine

LUT Compensation

* Video(rec 709)
* Film(sRGB)
* Adjustable Gamma
* Separate callibration curves for display monitor and output type

Multiple View Modes

* Interpolateed pixels
* Raw pixels

Skin Tools

* Diffuse channel bump boost
* Rough surface Oren-Nayar diffusion
* Multiplayer subsurface scattering
* Epidermis visiblity
* Epidermis scattering
* Blood color
* Follow bump mapping

Subsurface Scattering Renderer

* Transparency absorption
* Translucent lighting
* Tint with surface color
* Complementary color
* Subsurface scattering
* Nonlinear scattering
* Surface refraction
* Falloff distance
* Internal contrast

Surface Boosts

* Luminous
* Diffuse
* Specular
* Gloss
* Ambient
* Global Illumination
* Reflection
* Transparency
* Respect light exclusions
* Shadow opacity
* Bump mapping
* Include master boosts

Edge Effects

* Luminous
* Diffuse
* Specular
* Gloss
* Reflection
* Transparency
* Translucency
* Edge bump boost
* Use bump for edges

Edge Color

* Hur shift
* Saturation boost
* Bright boost
* Color 1 tint
* Color 2 tint
* Use bump for edges

Surface Image Processing

* Hue Shift
* Saturation boost
* Random color variation for object clones
* Follow master desaturation

PhotoMap Tools

* PhotoMap surface processing
* Original map luminosity
* White point
* Brightness
* Bias tint

Specularity Tools

* Primary
* Secondary
* Tertiary
* Specularity boost
* Specular Color
* Surface color tint
* Gloss boost
* Gloss bias
* Anisotropy
* Anisotropy angle
* Retro reflection
* Respect bump map

Reflection Tools

* Respect bump map
* Backdrop/Map strength
* Nonlinear ray reflection
* Surface color tint
* Soft reflection spread
* Soft reflection quality
* View anisotropy
* Anisotropy
* Anisotropy angle

Transparency Tools

* Respect bump map
* Zero attributes of backside polys
* Set refraction index of backside polys

Art Mode

* Rotate map
* Squeeze map

Surface Lighting

* Tint ambient
* Luminous Shadow Darkening
* Include master light group boosts
* Light group boosts

Extra Tools

* User comments
* Anisotropy direction axis
* Anisotropy projection type
* Rim lighting strength
* Terminator sharpness
* Copy/Paste settings
* Pin interface tool
* Surface traversal tool

Global Surface Boosts

* Luminous
* Diffuse
* Specular
* Gloss
* Ambient
* Global Illumination
* Reflection
* Transparent
* Respect light exclusion
* Shadow opacity
* Bump mapping

Global Image Boosts

* White gamma
* Red gamma
* Green gamma
* Blue gamma
* Distance desaturation
* Clip distance
* Falloff distance

Gamut Control

* Starting Intensity
* Rollof rate
* Hue preservation

Film Grain

* Animated
* Auto scale
* Scale
* Red variation
* Green variation
* Blue variation
* Saturated grain effect
* Transition width

Master Lighting Controls

* Intensity falloff protection distance
* Shadowmap transparency support
* Trace transparency area shadows
* Tint ambient zenith/horizon/nadir
* Global light intensity
* Global light contrast

Light Groups

* Define up to 8 groups
* Light group intensity boosts
* Light group labels
* Selective objects boosts
* Selective object shadow opacity boosts

Quality Controls

* Area shading quality
* Area shadow quality
* Blurred reflection quality

Master Preview Controls

* Add new preview
* Refresh preview
* Free all previews
* Automatic free preview at F9
* Preview memory usage readout
* Set comparison with image tool

G2 Utility Plugins

* G2:(Un)Hide
* G2:AddPreview
* G2:Add to Objects
* G2:Open Master
* G2:Remove from Objects
* G2:Add to All
* G2 Render Previews



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