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Collection of Piano learning softwares AIO | 1.5 GB

1. Alfred Teach Yourself to Play Piano
Alfred's Teach Yourself to Play Piano CD ROM is based on the best selling book and receives our "TopTenREVIEWS Bronze Award". This deluxe edition comes with a music dictionary and a booklet that contains all of the songs found inside the program.
The program is easy-to-use, offers video and audio instruction and offers good customer support, despite these positive attributes it fails to reach higher because it does not offer recording, mixing or composition options and cannot track your progress.

2. eMedia Piano and Keyboard Method
Piano and Keyboard Method, our #2 ranked piano lesson software and "TopTenREVIEWS Silver Award" winner, comes from a company that is the world's leading publisher of guitar lesson software: eMedia. Piano and Keyboard Method includes over 100 songs, 70 video clips with split screen views and an amazing 316 lessons.
Although Piano and Keyboard Method offers more lessons than any of the other programs reviewed, its limited help and support options and lack of instructional games places it as our #2-ranked piano lesson program.

3. Teach Me Piano Deluxe
Teach Me Piano Deluxe takes piano lessons to the next level! Not only will you learn to play more than 75 classic songs, but you'll receive instruction on music theory, learn about the history of keyboards, and have access to an array of tools for composing, arranging and recording your own music. Includes all of the features of the best-selling Teach Me Piano, plus a whole lot more!

# Instructor Hugh Berberich walks you through 150 lessons -- watch his hands and duplicate their movements as you learn to play
# Learn to play 75 popular songs, through the video-animated lessons
# Work with a full recording studio - mixing boards, level meters, transport function and other high-tech aspects of recording yourself
# Understand important piano concepts like intervals, bars, and sharps & flats -- all explained in a clear and concise manner
# Begin reading music notation in just a few lessons


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